Questions are often used on back cover copy and promo materials for books. In my opinion, the promo materials would be more powerful if they weren't. Take a look at these examples which I made up:
She buried him a decade ago and now he's at her door. vs She buried him a decade ago so who's the man at the door?
If Jordon doesn't hold his emotions together, Laura will die. vs Can Jordon hold his emotions together to keep Laura alive?
Amy is beautiful and Beth is rich. One of them will become Mark's wife. vs Amy's beautiful and Beth's rich. Which woman will Mark choose to be his wife?"
The aliens have landed. The world depends on Bob for its salvation. vs The aliens have landed. Is it too late for Bob to save the world?
Jane uncovers a chilling plot. Humanity is being sacrificed for a chance at immortality. vs Jane uncovers a chilling plot. Is humanity being sacrificed for a chance at immortality?
Every wish you could live two lives? SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT
“ a good episode of The Twilight Zone."
"Breathtaking ending..."
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"A speeding bullet of a story..."
“...a mind-bending roller coaster ride."
SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT is available at these fine online stores. If it's not on the shelves of your local bookstore/library, you can ask to have it ordered in for you.
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Eileen Schuh, Author
Schrödinger's Cat
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