Jessie B Tyson is celebrating the release of her debut novel, WHITE HEAVEN WOMEN.
“Horror, suspense, paranormal..." the reviewers say.
Today, as my guest blogger, Tyson offers us an inside peek at both this intriguing novel and it's flamboyant author.
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FREE for two days only:
29th and 30th October 2012
☆‿↗⁀↘‿ WHITE
A gripping tale
set in Whitehaven Northern England
Many people believe that we have all been here on earth before, with a
different name, different life. Some live their current lives believing they’ll
be reincarnated after death. This past life theme is prevalent in movies,
television ad novels, including the new supernatural suspense White Heaven Women by British author
Jessie B. Tyson.
White Heaven Women is a gripping tale set in Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK.
Flashing between 1899/early 1900s to 2000, readers are introduced to two
sisters, Beth and Sarah, and the fate that awaits them.
White Heaven Women is a gripping tale set in Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK.
Flashing between 1899/early 1900s to 2000, readers are introduced to two
sisters, Beth and Sarah, and the fate that awaits them.
In the year 1899, in Whitehaven,
Cumbria, UK, Lady Constance Witherspoon, only 14 years of age, gives birth to
twin girls during a tumultuous storm. Lady Elisa (Beth) is born with a
diagnosis of demonic possession, while her twin, Lady Sarah, is crushed and
killed when the ceiling collapses in the storm.
"... haunted by relentless nightmares about demons and a baby crushed at birth..."
In the year 2000, Sally Witherspane returns home to Whitehaven and is
haunted by relentless nightmares about demons and a baby crushed at birth.
discover the meaning of these dreams, she seeks the help of the local psychic,
who instructs Sally to attend a past life meeting. It is there that Sally meets
Beth Witherspoon.
Persuaded by a ghostly blue apparition,
Sally documents a family history filled with deception, abuse and an ancient
evil, and she must summon strength and faith to become the woman she is
destined to be, one of the last descendants of the White Heaven Women.
Published by Imajin Books in Edmonton, AB, Canada, White Heaven Women is now available in Kindle edition and paperback
at Amazon and CreateSpace.
“A novel of hope and of the multiple chances that re-incarnation
provides the soul in search of enlightenment.” —Shane Joseph, author of ‘The
Ulysses Man’
“Tyson paints a literary landscape of bygone days so skillfully the main
characters leap off the pages into our hearts.” —Betty Dravis, best-selling
co-author of ‘Six-Pack of Blood’
“A fast paced book with vivid characters…a great book to get lost in on
a rainy day.” —Dionne Lister, author of ‘Shadows of the Realm’
“Horror, suspense, paranormal, life, death, love and hate all woven
together with such powerfulness, so real, so fragile yet gripping enough to
keep you on the edge.” —Peggy Grigowski, author of ‘A Glimpse of What If’
“One of the best books I have read in a very long time. Jessie has the
talent to reach deep inside the reader and allows the reader to open up their
minds to a world that is not easy to understand or believe. “—Shirley Lessard – Book reader
Jessie invites you to visit her online:
Click the video below and listen to her true story about blue ghosts....
Eileen Schuh, Canadian writer

“Wise, haunting, deeply moving…unforgettable!”
Four lives intertwined by fate may lead to one fatal error…
When the police chopper rescues her from The Traz biker compound, fourteen-year-old Katrina thinks she’s escaping her brutal past. But she soon discovers that the cops know her darkest secrets, and she slides into an emotional hell of horror and guilt.
Shrug, the undercover officer who recruited her to the gang, struggles to undo the harm he has inflicted, but his attempts to protect Katrina spiral out of control. His boss, Sergeant Kindle, knows nothing can be forgotten and much must be forgiven before Katrina or Shrug will be free from the aftermath of the police sting.
Complicating matters, Katrina's dream relationship with another undercover officer, Chad, hits a major firewall when she discovers he's engaged. Just one fatal error could send Katrina, and everyone else involved, down a path of destruction that could leave no survivors.
FATAL ERROR in paperback