Friday, October 17, 2014

Words to live by

Please welcome Canadian author, Sarah Butland to Magic of the Muses. Sarah is revving up to release her inspirational book BEING GRATEFUL, BEING THANKFUL.
Author, Sarah Butland

She gives you a lovely taster of what's between the covers of her upcoming release.

Welcome to the Magic, Sarah...


 Wherever you are in life, wherever you are right at this moment you have much to be thankful.

You likely hear the words thank you as much as you say and hear the words I'm sorry in a day, but it's important to listen to it and say it with meaning. To truly be grateful is to appreciate where you are and where you've been, so that you can know where you will be going and as well as how to get there.

With the Law of Attraction being on everyone's mind, it seems the world still finds it challenging to think in the positive and be appreciative of where they are and what they have. If you struggle with this, or if you don't really, this book is for you.

Not every chapter may be relevant to you at the time you read it, I encourage you to read it. You may read the chapters in any order you choose; I do encourage you to read them all for greatest effect.

Why? Let's say, for instance, you don't currently have your drivers license, so at first you think it silly to be thankful for that. Take a moment and wonder if you would ever like to have your license. To have that independence and freedom to grab the keys and go when you're ready and not when you can afford a cab or at the whim of another driver. Reading this chapter now will send your intention to your future so it understands how wonderful you will feel when you have your license.

Life is about feeling- something science nor religion can ever truly explain. When you experience gratitude, even in just a small dose, your vibrations are on alert and you smile a little. Standing a little bit taller, you suddenly feel proud and good, no matter who you are, and in doing so reflect this genuine feeling back to others around you.

What would happen if everyone appreciated everything for their experience and what it had to teach them? Quite literally, the world is already filled with energy, so this would work to amplify that magnificence to eventually heal the world.

We all think we want more time in our day. Envy the younger generation for their ability to wake up playing and continue to play all day, if we'd let them. Many of us say we'd be able to play if only we didn't have to drain ourselves to pay the bills

This attitude stops now.

My request of you is to begin posting a thank you to someone in your life on a daily basis. Through social media we can all easily show appreciation and make someone's day a little better with just a few words of public gratitude.

I'm working on getting BEING GRATEFUL, BEING THANKFUL in print this month to ensure people can gift it for Christmas and would love to see your support. You can donate or share, anything you can give back helps literacy around the world.

This guest spot is brought to you by:

Complete with a list of international resources for those seeking help with, or information about, the social issues explored in this gritty thriller--gangs, drugs, depression, addictions.

 "A compelling read that will keep you turning the pages."
"grief, fears and…overwhelming struggle..."
"…takes the reader on a whirlwind of emotion”
“An amazingly insightful story paralleling so many youth I work with”
“A young unhappy 13-yr old girl…caught up in a violent world..." 
“A fast-paced read, populated with interesting characters”

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Visiting the Olde neighbourhood...

A week and a half from now, I will be participating in Words in the Park in Strathcona County, the community where I spent many years a decade or two ago raising my children and establishing the family business (Genesis Homes Ltd.)

I invite all old neighbours and friends and relatives  in the area to drop by my table at the Book Sale and Fair for a chat.   I've been selected to participate in the Open Mic event and will be reading from one of my recent novels sometime between 2:30 and 3:00 pm.

Although it's been on my 'To Do" list for a while, this is the first time I've visited Strathcona County since becoming a published author.
Eileen Schuh, Author

Schrödinger's Cat

Friday, October 10, 2014

Research on pitfalls of Cannabis use

Eileen Schuh, Author

Schrödinger's Cat