Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dianne Tchir: Making Poetry Happen

The winners of the three autographed Dianne Tchir books are:
MY STORY: BABY'S FIRST YEAR: Strider Marcus Jones

Thank you to all who visited, those who entered, and to Dianne for appearing on my blog and generously supplying and mailing the prizes.

Dianne Tchir is excited to announce the upcoming release of her debut book of poetry. Although she has many writing successes, including two self-published books, THE RHYTHMIC CYCLE is her first book-publishing contract. It is great to have a fellow Albertan guest on my blog.  Welcome to Magic of the Muses, Dianne.
Tell us a bit about yourself.

Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I am a retired High School English/Drama teacher, and when I am not writing poetry or children's stories, I am teaching advanced “English As A Second Language” at the local college in Slave Lake. I also facilitate workshops in writing memoir, poetry, readers theatre and teach a chair yoga program for seniors.
" two children's books were
an education in itself..."
I have written poetry for over 40 years and have had several poems published in literary magazines, anthologies and newspapers. My two children's books were self-published, an education in itself.

MY STORY-Baby's First Year was published in May 2010 and is narrated by baby.  It shows developmental stages and is interactive: baby's picture is put into each illustration (stage of development). The Literacy Department at Northern Lakes College purchased several books for gift bags to families with newborns. My daughter, Michelle Tchir, was the graphic designer.

My second book, BEARS Bath Time, was published in September 2010 and is intended to teach steps for bath time fun and introduce rhyming to preschoolers. My sister, Suzanne Levasseur, illustrated this book. The website for my children's books is  Both books can be ordered online and make wonderful gifts.

What innovative writing, Dianne! With the holiday season approaching, these are indeed great gift ideas for children and grandchildren.

There is much debate in the writing community about the career value of a strong cyberspace presence. You’ve proven that the internet is a great way for authors to showcase their abilities and attract attention.

"...the more I read of your poetry on your blog,
the more I want to publish
a collection of 30-40 poems..."

My son, John Tchir, motivated me to post my poetry on the internet. I created a poetry blog  and started on Facebook in August, 2010 .

I had many comments posted on my blog, including one from DYSTENIUM LLC -Publishing for the Third Millennium, publisher Don Odom.

Don sent me an e-mail on August 29, 2010.  "The more I read of your poetry on your blog, the more I want to publish a collection of 30-40 poems."

I, of course, investigated the legitimacy of the publisher and even received a call from New York- Don Odom. I was satisfied with the authenticity of this publishing company and signed an agreement, retaining all copyright, receiving royalties twice a year at no cost to me.

"...he is very interested
 in doing a second volume..."

He is very interested in doing a second volume and I would have no trouble fulfilling another request for 30 or more poems that rest in my box, waiting to be born again.

How exciting to have a second book in the works. You must let us know when it is launched. You told me that in the 1980's you had poetry published in the St. Paul Journal and written on the walls of Blue Quills College–that sounds interesting, especially since St. Paul is my community. Tell us more.

"Home of the World's First UFO Landing Pad"  St. Paul, AB., Canada

Yes, my poetry was on the walls of Blue Quills College in St. Paul and in the St. Paul Journal in the 1980's. At that time, I was attending the University Of Alberta completing my Bachelor of Education Degree in Secondary Education, major-English and minor- Intercultural Education.  A professor from Native Studies commented that he had seen some of my poetry on the walls of Blue Quills College and in the St. Paul Journal.  I'd not been aware of that.

Some of my poems had been published in a literary magazine associated with the Athabasca University and that may be where they were found. At this time, I was invited by the Edmonton Separate School Division to take part in a Writing Workshop for teens.  I did the poetry and Martin Godfrey did the short story segment.

You live in Slave Lake, a small northern community. Tell us how the land and the people have inspired your writing career.

I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and grew up on an acreage outside of the Jasper Place neighbourhood.

I have lived in several places, most of which have been country and hamlets. The many journeys that life has taken me on have inspired much of my writings. I started writing and reading poetry as a young girl , the oldest of five girls and one brother. Many times my mother would be calling, and I would be hiding in the hay loft with pen and paper staring at the sky through the cracks in the barn roof- writing. I was very close to mother nature and read philosophy, the poetry of T.S.Eliot, Margaret Atwood, and later Leonard Cohen, Al Purdy and always more philosophy.

I have experienced many trials and tribulations and have always searched behind appearances and reality's underpinnings. Poetry is the medium that puts many jig saw pieces together for me.

Isolation poses difficulties in establishing a writing career. For example, help, support, and resources are distant and networking opportunities are scarce. What are some things you have done to overcome these difficulties?

“A wise, haunting, deeply moving sequel to The Traz." 

On Amazon

In the UK


Isolation can present a barrier to one's writing; however, I have always been an avid supporter of the arts and with my teaching background (English and Drama) I am able to offer workshops in Writing Memoir, Poetry, Reader's Theatre, and , with my newly acquired teaching certificate in Hatha Chair Yoga, a program for seniors.

I have had a column in a local newspaper, freelanced and submitted commentaries, and edited two books for budding authors. I was a member of the Writers Guild of Alberta [WGA]for many years, then discontinued. However, resumed membership 3 years ago. The Guild has done a video conference in Slave Lake about self publishing, and setting up a writers group.

I found myself utilizing the computer and internet to aid me in self publishing--registering with the Canadian Library of Congress, acquiring an ISBN number and finding a suitable printer for the children's books. As I previously stated, self publishing is an education in itself.

When I write a novel, I start writing at the beginning of the story and keep at it over the course of a month or so until the story is told. I imagine there is a different process involved in writing a book of poetry. Enlighten us.
"...[I] lay my words out,
weed them, sometimes chisel them,
and transform them..."
When I write a poem, it evolves and reveals itself from one thread of thought that is important to me. Motivation and a sense of purpose are the fibres with which I weave my poems. Word play, rhythm, imagery, sound and word magic create themes dealing with nature, vital social issues such as racism, unemployment, alienation, our dying earth and the many masks of reality. I am not a formula poet ,and so lay my words out, weed them, sometimes chisel them, and transform them to elevate the poem to its essence.
You are launching your debut book of poetry. Tell us about it.

My new collection of poetry, THE RHYTHMIC CYCLE, shows the interconnectedness of all things. The juxtaposition of images created with my words and the beautiful illustrations by my publisher makes one want to return to the book for a second read.

The first two poems were written when I was 14. Some of the poems were published but most were laying dormant in my box, yellowing with age.

The poetry highlights important issues of our world today, and I am honoured to share them in this collection. The audience for my book is anyone who has an interest in the themes I explore.

I always offer my guests a chance to thank their supporters.  Dianne?

I wish to thank Eileen Schuh for inviting me to do this interview; my family- children, siblings and relatives for their encouragement; all the people who have left comments on my blog, especially Strider Marcus Jones- author of 2 books of poetry found on FB and all my Blog followers.

I have been interviewed by the Slave Lake Leader and this should come out this week.

You're very welcome--thank you for participating.  Good luck with the launch of  THE RHYTHMIC CYCLE.

If you'd like to meet Dianne, you will find her selling her books at the Christmas Bazaar Craft Sale in Slave Lake from 19 to 20th of November.  At the Widewater Christmas Craft Sale on the 27th of November and at the WGA Christmas Book Sale on 4 December.

You may purchase her poetry collection, THE RHYTHMIC CYCLE, (published by DYSENTIUM LLC- Publishing for the Third Millennium) through or
The book is priced at $14.95

Her children's books can be ordered through http://www.myongoingstory/

Dianne invites you to visit her poetry blog at



Dianne has generously offered autographed copies of her three books (THE RHYTHMIC CYCLE, MY STORY--Baby's First Year, and BEARS BATH TIME) to lucky readers of this interview.

To be automatically entered in the draw, click on the green word "comment/s" below and leave a comment along with your contact information so I can notify you if you’re a winner.   You may only enter once, but feel free to encourage your friends, family, and fans to enter.

On 30th November, three names will be drawn—one for each of Dianne's books.


Eileen Schuh, Author
"Schrodinger's Cat"


Dianne Tchir said...

Thank you for doing this interview. Looks great!

strider marcus jones said...

Dianne, your poetry lets nature speak. It tackles and answers the difficult questions facing the world today.It makes people think about what they have done and where they should go. The images stroke your senses or punch you in the gut. They never let you hide and are not afraid to explore the difficult personal and political issues we all have to face at some point to reach understanding. Congratulations on this great collection of poems.
~ Strider Marcus Jones

Eileen Schuh: said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PeacefulWmn9 said...

Wonderful interview! And Dianne, my daughter says she thinks poets see the world in finer detail than others. From reading your poetry (and writing my own) I think she is correct. I like that you mention the interconnectedness of all things, too.


Eileen Schuh: said...

I had to delete my comment because I spelled 'fascinating' wrong. Here it is again, corrected: You are very welcome, Dianne. I found your story fascinating. You have given much good advice to aspiring writers. Thanks.

Strider, all the way from the UK, thank you for visiting. Please confirm that the email address on your blogger profile is correct and I will enter you in Dianne's give-away contest in celebration of her new release. Please visit again!

Ave said...

Very Interesting! Good to hear the stories of talented people from home!

Donna Carrick said...

This is an excellent interview, Eileen! Thanks for making me aware of Dianne's work. I'd love to be entered to possibly win a book of poetry -- please throw my name in the hat!

Renita said...

Thanks to you and Dianne for sharing. It's neat to see a poet profiled. I often forget about that side of the written art.

Please enter me into the contest!!!

You know my contact info :)

Jan Markley said...

great interview- love the book cover!

Taqiyyah Shakirah Dawud said...

This is a nice, in-depth interview of a great author, thanks for sharing Dianne Tchir!

Author Kelly Moran said...

Hi Eileen, just popping over for a hello! XO

Eileen Schuh: said...

Kelly, Taquiyyah, Jan, Renita, Donna, Ave, Karen, and Strider--you are all entered to win. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment.

Aaron Lehman said...

Dianne failed to mention that she taught a Memoir writing course at Northern Lakes college. She's a tough cookie to please, but my article is better for her editing. Thanks Dianne.

Aaron A. Lehman

Unknown said...

Thanks for the introduction to one of Alberta's own...
Great interview, Eileen.
Congratulations on your new publication, Dianne!
Vijay Ellaurie

Eileen Schuh: said...

Jim Szpajcher said:

I tried to leave a note on your blog, but apparently one needs a Google account. Or perhaps I'm just a klutz. At any rate, thanks to you and Dianne for the interview.

Eileen Schuh: said...

Aron, Vijay, and Jim: you are entered. Thank you for visiting.

Eileen Schuh: said...

Aaron. Sorry I spelled your name wrong.