Friday, April 5, 2013

Today I will...

For those of you fascinated by the life of an author, here’s a detailed account of what I’ll be doing today (provided I get off the social networks and finish this blog up quickly.)

I’ve joined forces with other Imajin Books authors who write young adult books for a week-long online promotion in May. This means I must write a few guest blogs to share on the others’ sites as well as write one for mine. I must also design some promotional tweets that Imajin Books, the other participating authors, and I can post during that week.  I will be promoting The Traz School Edition.

I just got confirmation that I, along with 2 other authors, will be doing a panel presentation on “self-publishing” at the Northern Lights Library System conference in the fall. I must start collaborating with the other authors on the topics we want to discuss, resources we may want to use, the format we wish to follow, etc. 

I need to apply to Access Copyright for my payback claim (token reimbursement for my books that are in libraries, schools, and such.)

I need to update my daytimer, noting all the “save-the-date” wedding invites I’ve received (it appears to be the year of love), the May promo, the September conference...etc.

At some point I need to run to the bank and deposit a cheque I received for an autographed book I mailed to a fan.

I need to get a hold of the Co-op Gas Bar manager as it appears all my books that he lets me put by his tills have been sold. I’ll need payment and (hopefully) permission to restock.

In real life, I must book both my dogs in for a shave (they don’t know that even though it is April, it is not spring and therefore not time to shed like crazy and grow mats on their bellies and behind their ears).  That reminds, I need to get my hair trimmed and 'lightened' (i.e. get rid of the grey). I need to phone a different groomer to book that appointment. :)
I must type up the minutes of last night’s meeting. I was happy that curling was over and I’d have my evenings free until I realized my charities have their annual meetings in the evenings this time of year. If I join an organization, I inevitably get voted in as Secretary because I write, they say.

I must phone my sister to check on the health of her and her family and also answer the letter my 85 year old uncle wrote me. (What a sweet heart—a four page, handwritten letter all about his kids, grandkids, great grandkids and himself.)

Got a notice my dogs are due for their annual vet checkup and shots, so need to set up that appointment.

I need to go for a quiet ski in the forest and try hard to appreciate the beauty of a heavy April snowfall...

None of this of course will happen until I finish my Bubble Shooter game...